Mudley Token

Did You Know?

MUDLEY is backed by Stellar Lumen (XLM), every 1 MUDLEY we issued, we buy 1 XLM for asset backed. But we don't fix MUDLEY price with XLM.


The First Real World Event Related to NFT

The owner of MudleyNFT can receive a Surprise Reward when the real-world event happens as specified in the utility function of that NFT

1. Create Wallet and Sign Up

Create wallet from Stellar official website, only you have control over your funds. Register your wallet to Mudley token database by sign up website.  More Details !

2. HOLD Mudley Token

You can get Mudley token for free when you have activity with our partners, or you can buy Mudley token in exchange we listed.  See Our Partners !

3. Receive Surprise Rewards

Token holders can earn Surprise Rewards from us.

Mudley Pty Ltd account by Grant Thornton

The most common reason for login problem is incorrect username and password. Check whether you have put the correct username (NOT your email) and password.

Anyone can report an issue simply by contract us by email or Mudley token facebook page.

If you lost your secret key, your wallet is gone. You need your secret key to access your funds and perform an operation. You can't move your funds to a new account if you can't access your prior account.

The idea behind the Ledger is that NO ONE can see the private key. Therefore, there's no risk in your wallet being hacked. Just make sure you write down the 24 words as they appear because you will never see them again and that's the only way to recover your private key on the device if you get locked out of the ledger. Keep it in a safe place and don't leave on your computer if you decide to write it in Word or something.

A Stellar account costs 1 XLM to activate. Simply send a minimum of 1 or 2 XLM to your new account to activate it. This 1 XLM will remain locked as enforced by the Stellar protocol.

A decentralized platform simply means that it works independently without requiring any validation from an external third party. With decentralization, you do not have a single authority to answer to. Since the system runs on the basis of consensus, everyone must agree on the information shared within that system. Not only does this ensure an even playing field for everyone, it also ensures that no one party can cheat the system.

Because major of Mudley token holders are not sell their token to market.

The reason why you didn't receive the Surprise Rewards is that during the snapshot, you are not holding a Mudley token.

Kid Box AI is a trading system that uses machine learning algorithms to autonomously trade investment product.

Artificial intelligence and creations based on AI systems will typically demonstrate at least some of the following behaviors associated with human intelligence: planning, learning, problem solving, knowledge representation, perception.

Mudley Pty Ltd. is an Australian Private Company.

Account by Grant Thornton, a leading global accounting firm.

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