MUDLEY is backed by Stellar Lumen (XLM), every 1 MUDLEY we issued, we buy 1 XLM for asset backed. But we don't fix MUDLEY price with XLM.
The owner of MudleyNFT can receive a Surprise Reward when the real-world event happens as specified in the utility function of that NFT
Create wallet from Stellar official website, only you have control over your funds. Register your wallet to Mudley token database by sign up mudley.io website. More Details !
You can get Mudley token for free when you have activity with our partners, or you can buy Mudley token in exchange we listed. See Our Partners !
Token holders can earn Surprise Rewards from us.
Mudley Pty Ltd. is an Australian Private Company.
Account by Grant Thornton, a leading global accounting firm.
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