Welcome to MudleyNFT Stellar ! The First Real world event related to NFT:
The First Real world event related to NFT !
Lean MudleyNFT Stellar Mechanic.
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The First Real World Event Related to NFT
What is MudleyNFT Stellar Royalty Fee Mechanic
How to get MudleyNFT Stellar ?
Buy, Sell and Auction MudleyNFT Stellar
MudleyNFT Stellar is Stellar Network base
Mudley NFT Royalty Fee Wallet
You can check detail in stellar.expert website.
MudleyNFT Stellar Store
You can check detail in MudleyNFT Stellar Store on Litemint.
The owner of that NFT will receive an XLM surprise reward in their wallet.
After the owner of NFT receives a reward,
if the owner wants to continue using that NFT’s utility rights,
the owner must send a Royalty Fee (Mudley token) back to us at the MudleyNFT Stellar store wallet with the ratio proportion of the total Surprise Reward received.
Enter the NFT name that you want to continue using utility rights in the royalty Fee memo.
The transfer must be made within 3 days after receiving the Surprise Reward.
NFT with a royalty fee of 10%
If the owner of this NFT receives a Surprise Reward of 100 XLM and the owner wants to continue using its utility rights,
the owner must transfer 10% of the reward in the form of a Mudley token(10 XLM) to the wallet we specified above.
The MudleyNFT Stellar utility is linked to many real-world events, such as the prices of various products, sporting events, and economic figures.
A Royalty Fee is MudleyNFT Stellar holder transfer the Mudley token back to MudleyNFT Stellar wallet to reactivate MudleyNFT Stellar after MudleyNFT Stellar holder get a Surprise Reward.
Every Surprise Reward must pay a Royalty Fee if the owner wants to keep using its utility rights.
If the Royalty Fee has not been made within 3 days, NFT will lose its utility rights.
Holding MudleyNFT Stellar without paying a Royalty Fee after getting the Surprise Reward will cause the MudleyNFT Stellar utility rights to be deactivated as if it were a normal image.
The utility rights will be frozen until the Royalty Fee has been made.
If the owner of NFT has received the reward and then decides to sell it without transferring the royalty fee back to MudleyNFT Stellar, the new owner of that NFT must pay the royalty fee to continue using that NFT utility rights.
Send Mudley token back to Mudley NFT Royalty Fee Wallet
You can check detail in stellar.expert website.
You can find MudleyNFT Stellar by buying or auctioning on the Litemint website (Stellar NFT Marketplace). which can follow the news of various vehicles from Mudley's Facebook page and blog
MudleyNFT Stellar Store
You can check detail in MudleyNFT Stellar Store on Litemint.
Please visit our blog [MudleyNFT Stellar Blog]