Welcome to MudleyNFT Solana ! The First Real world event related to NFT:
The First Real world event related to NFT !
Lean MudleyNFT Solana Mechanic.
Lean MudleyNFT Solana by Example
The First Real World Event Related to NFT
What is MudleyNFT Solana Royalty Fee
How to get MudleyNFT Solana ?
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MudleyNFT Solana is Solana Network base
Mudley NFT Solana Wallet
You can check our wallet detail in Solscan website.
The NFT will be giveaway for free. To keep update about the giveaway events, please follow @MudleyNFT on twitter.
The NFT will be an art of professional sport players. There will be a utility function of each card. When the condition in the utility function is met, the owner might receive surprise reward.
If the owner get the surprise reward, there will be an announcement on our twitter account @MudleyNFT. The reward will be send to the owner wallet that holds NFT.
There will be a deduction of the prize as a Royalty fee.
The MudleyNFT Solana utility is linked to many real-world events, such as the prices of various products, sport events, and economic figures.
Tennis Utility: NFT of professional sport players with the utility function that let the owner of NFT receive surprise reward if the condition is met.
Entry Utility: The utility function that let the NFT owners predict the result of other sport match by retweet the prediction on twitter. If the owner make correct prediction, he/she will receive the reward
A Royalty Fee on Solana is difference from Stellar Network
The royalty fee will be deduct from the surprise reward automatically.
The NFT will be giveaway for free. To keep update about the giveaway events, please follow @MudleyNFT on twitter.
Buying or auctioning from other owner on the Opensea website (Solana NFT Marketplace).
MudleyNFT Solana on Opensea
You can check detail in MudleyNFT Solana on Opensea.
Tennis Utilities Collection in MudleyNFT Tennis on Opensea.
Entry Card Utilities Collection in MudleyNFT Entry Card on Opensea.
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